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Schedule of Events

ART AFRICA 2017 explores how Black Arts respond to the assaults that currently beset the global African Diaspora and the world at large and how artists of African descent and of the global south create modes of intervention of radical autonomy.


BACK TO BLACK: No On/Off Ramps is a multimedia presentation including paintings, sculptures, photography, installation and video as well as performance exploring how alternative narratives confront the resurgence of oppression and the idea of Black arts’ intervention in the cultural sphere as both necessary and urgent.


BACK TO BLACK: No On/Off Ramps brings about 25 artists from the United States, Africa, Europe, the Caribbean and Latin America. Spaced between the Pan-African Pavilion at 919 Lyric Plaza and the opposite 920 historic Clyde Killens’ building both on NE 2ND Avenue in Overtown, ART AFRICA 2017 covers approximately 9000 sq. of exhibition-space; doubling that of previous years. 


BACK TO BLACK: No On/Off Ramps honors all participant artists whose works have been deemed retaining a truth dimension of liberation.

The surrounding programs include:

Tuesday                  ART + PRESS

December 5th

Noon - 2:00pm                  SOTHEBY'S x MARCUS SAMUELSON LUNCHEON @ ART AFRICA [INVITATION ONLY]               

Private Luncheon powered by Sotheby's Auction House of New York


1pm - 3pm                        PRESS PREVIEW                

Guided gallery tour by Neil Hall, Art Africa Miami Founder & Babacar M'Bow, Art Africa Miami Curator





Wednesday             ART + FASHION

December 6th

Noon                             Gallery Opens to the Public


6:00pm - 11:00pm.    "THE BLACK PARTY" CELEBRATION

Experience an artistic explosion of Black amidst the artistry of Caribbean Carnival mas.  Dance the night away in the Black Lounge to  Reggae & Soca beats by the one and only DJ Dorenzo & join the Steel Pan Vibes outdoors when you ready to slow down. Carnival de yah! Supporting #CaribbeanStrong {ATTIRE: BLACK}



Thursday                ART + COMMUNITY      

December 7th                    


Noon                             Gallery Opens to the Public


4:00pm - 5:30pm      It's a Watch Party, join us to view the 2017 documentary "Chasing Trane: The JOHN COLTRANE


CHASING TRANE is the definitive documentary film about an outside-the-box thinker with extraordinary talent whose boundary-shattering music continues to impact and influence people around the world. This smart, passionate, thought-provoking and uplifting documentary is for anyone who appreciates the power of music to entertain, inspire and transform.


Written and directed by critically-acclaimed documentary filmmaker John Scheinfeld, the film is produced with the full participation of the Coltrane family and the support of the record labels that collectively own the Coltrane catalog. Scheinfeld brings his strong story-telling skills to the creation of a rich, textured and compelling narrative that takes the audience to unexpected places.


Set against the social, political and cultural landscape of the times, CHASING TRANE brings John Coltrane to life as a fully dimensional being, inviting the audience to engage with Coltrane the man, Coltrane the artist.




6:00pm - 7:00pm       Talk by Neil Hall: ART + COMMUNITY, an introspective discussion with local and international street

                                          artists on the importance of an ongoing commitment to the cultural resurgence of the Historic Overtown

                                          neighborhood through the activation of art and culture.  



7:00pm - 8:00pm      ALTERNATIVE REALITIES

Moderated by: Melissa Hunter Davis, Executive Editor, SUGARCANE MAGAZINE

In Conversation with:  Abdoulaye Konaté (Mali), José Bedia (Cuba/USA), Philip Thomas (Jamaica) and

Peter Wayne Lewis (Beijing)

The conversation engages a re-reading of the contemporary in art history through the prism of decolonization to offer perspectives in challenging contemporary canons.  The conversation also links the process of decentering contemporary discourses with renewal of forms from non-European zones.


08:00 pm                      Gallery Closes



Friday                     ART + DESIGN

December 8th


NOON                           Gallery Opens to the Public 


4pm - 6pm                 ART + YOUTH - Youth Art Insiders; An Afterschool Interactive Workshop with the youth from Overtown

                                        Youth Center and Urgent, Inc. powered by Code Fever.




Screening of Miami's own Elijah Wells movie, Seven.








8:00pm                       Gallery Closes



Saturday                 ART + CULTURE

December 9th


NOON                           Gallery Opens to the Public



The Local and The Global: Black Aesthetics and the Legitimization Process in Global Contemporary Art


The emergence of new stars in the contemporary global art scene seems to validate a particular geography; a particular type of art and a particular race of artists. Their "global fame" carefully wrapped in layers of beautifully ornamented museums and galleries and in glossy art magazines and blockbuster exhibitions is awaited with great anticipation. Critics dedicate thousands of words to the announced work. Yet, sometimes, the density of the work and the words appears not to be backed by a complexity of thought. Building on recent theoretical works which redefine blackness away from abjection, post-ness and erasure, this panel explores the process of artistic legitimization and issues connected to this dynamic. 



Centering the Margins: Contemporary Situations and Differences in African Diaspora: Mutations, Migration, Multiculturalism  

There have been innovations in classifying and exhibiting  African  Diaspora  art.  Among  the  issues  that  grid these dynamics:  Who classifies it? How, by whom, is it legitimated? What and who defines what is ‘authentic' or ‘contemporary' in ‘African Diaspora Art'?


This panel explores notions of distinction between center and periphery in contemporary art circles, modernity / contemporaneity, change and tradition in African Diaspora Art. Is this distinction still prevalent? Has the recognition of innovation in African Diaspora Art amounted to dissociating it from the exotic, even when included in global art circuits under the rubric of contemporary African Diaspora art? The panel explores points of entries and departures to question and discuss criteria of classification and canonization. 


8:00 pm                        Gallery Closes



Sunday                   FINAL DAY                                 

December 10th               


NOON                        Gallery Opens to the Public


2:00 pm                   ARTIST ROUNDTABLE, a not to be missed closing event.


5:00 pm                    Gallery Closes


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